Vehicle Track System with Arduino

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arduino, tracking system with arduino            Arduino is  Atmel AVR micro controller that first thing  come to mind among the embedded system. In Arduino there is a feature that  integrate programming and other circuits with the implementation of Processing / Wiring with this controller.Arduino can be easily programmed with Atmega microcontrollers and modules by  offering us a large library. If we look at logic of arduino, we have digital and analog signals.Depending on the signals from the sensors we connect to Arduino, we can establish systems that interact with the world.Arduino is not just a circuit board.There are various circuit boards and modules according to different needs.Our question is  can we make a vehicle tracking system with Arduino?The most important material for this is the GPS module.Companies with large vehicle fleets use these systems to track their vehicles.This system controls the position of the vehicles, the mechanical condition of the vehicles and the fuel follow-up.The basic materials we will use to prototype these systems with Arduino are listed below.

  • Arduino Uno Plus
  • Paralax GPS module
  • DHT21 Heat and Humidity sensor,
  • Fluid meter sensor
  • SIM card (GPRS) module

           The GPS module allows the system to instantly display the real time coordinates of the vehicle to the user according to the data received from 12 satellites around the world. In order to get the correct result from the GPS here, we need to be careful that GPS is not located between the heavy metals in our vehicle. We can use the "TinyGPS ++ h" library to program the GPS module with Arduino. We will use it to learn the vehicle's mechanical condition, we need to place the heat humidity sensor close to the vehicle's engine. Sudden increases in the temperature sensor indicate to the user that there is a malfunction in the vehicle's engine and that it can not travel long due to the operating condition. In order to prevent fuel losses of the companies, the sensor measuring the level of the fluid integrated in the fuel tanks of the vehicle ensures that the fuel in the tank is reduced according to the use of the engine, otherwise it detects the rapid decrease in the sensor and informs the authorized persons.

          We can program the SIM (GPRS) card module to integrate all the data from the modules  from the Sensors into the Arduino with the "GSM.h" library. Here we could use the GPS and SIM card module on the same circuit.
But this may be a problem for us. There may be a collision due to the data overload, as the system sends out the vehicle's mechanical status and fuel surveillance outside the vehicle's position. So we used the modules separately. As a result, we can build a vehicle tracking system with Arduino.

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Last modification: Mon 26 Feb 2018
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